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Faery & Avalon Connection Series


Die Faery- und Avalon-Energien verbinden dich mit den 12 Feenkönigen und Königinnen aus Avalon. Im dazugehörigen Skripten findet man eine sehr ausführliche Beschreibung der einzelnen Feen und Informationen zu Ritualen, Musik, und Düften, die helfen, sich mit den entsprechenden Feen von Avalon zu verbinden. Es gibt diese Einweihungen auch einzeln.

Die Skripte dieses Energiesystems sind nur auf Englisch erhältlich.

12 Ferneinweihungen, mit jeweils 1 Skript

für alle Einweihungen.


The Faery and Avalon Connections were channelled by Raine and Philip Hilton. During your distant attunement to each of the Faery King and Queen energies you will gain a permanent energetic connection which will enable you to tap into the etheric vibrational frequencies that each Faery King and Queen offers to you.

The Faery King Donn Fierna Empowerment

Working with the Faery King Donn Fierna will grant you the ability to gain instant spiritual protection, strength and assistance in all matters concerning legality or financial concerns. Within the manual you will also find information on the many rituals that can help with your connection to King Donn Fierna, including music, scents and poems to enhance your working relationship with Donn Fierna.

The Faery King Finvarra Empowerment

The energies of the Faery King Finvarra have been channelled to give you the abilities to create a protective force around you to prevent any and all forms of attack as well as bringing justice and legality to any financial situation. The Faery King Finvarra manual will also give you information on the many rituals, music, fragrances and poems to enhance your working relationship with King Finvarra.

The Faery King Gwyn Ap Nudd Empowerment

In a very similar way to the energies of the other Faery Kings, your distant attunement to the faery King Gwyn Ap Nudd has been channelled as a spiritual tool to aid in your connection with this very powerful Faery King. Faery King Gwyn Ap Nudd gives you the energies to protect not only your personal self but also your surroundings. You will also learn more about the fragrances, rituals and music that is associated with Gwyn Ap Nudd within the supplied manual. This information is given to help you enhance and build upon your connections with Gwyn Ap Nudd and the many other beings within the Avalonian and Faery Realms.

The Faery King Midar Empowerment

The Faery King Midar Empowerment was channelled by Raine and Philip after they were working with the energies of the Feary King Sil who is also available within the Faery & Avalon Connection Series. In the same way as the other Faery King energies, your connection with Midar will give you a powerful inner energy that provides you with constant spiritual protection from any and all forms of negative energy. You will also learn about the many scents, rituals, poems and music that when combined with this attunement will greatly aid you with your connection to the Faery King Midar.

The Faery King Oberon Empowerment

The Faery King Oberon Empowerment is another beautiful stream of energy that I have used quite often since receiving my initiation directly from Raine. In a similar way to the other Faery Kings, Oberon offers you spiritual protection but his is one that gently guides you to the awareness of what you need to do to clear any negativity. He is a protector but Oberon also offers you a voice of reason when it is needed. You will also learn about the many fragrances, poems, music and colours that are associated with Oberon and when combined with this attunement will greatly aid you with your connection to the Faery King Oberon.

The Faery King Sil Empowerment

When I connect with the energies of the Faery King Sil, they always provide me with a sense of mystery and an anticipation about what he will bring through for me to learn. In the same way as the other Faery King energies, Sil works by providing you with spiritual protection. Although this isnt part of the manual or the actual system, I have found that when working with King Sil that he provides me with a shield of protection which is unbreakable. No spell, ritual or negative force can penetrate it so this makes the King Sil a very important system for spiritual teachers to use or those who work with spirit release therapy. You will also learn about the many fragrances, colours, poems, rituals and music that when combined with the attunement will greatly aid you with your connection to the Faery King Sil.

The Faery Queen Argante Empowerment

To create a balancing force Raine & Philip Hilton felt guided to also channel a set of Faery Queen energies which when used in conjunction with those of the Faery Kings will bring powerful healing and guidance to your spiritual life. The energies of the Faery Queen Argante The presence of Argante within your life is one that brings true spiritual blessings which are of the highest order. Argante is also known as the Queen of Avalon and the Queen of the Elves who are quite often called upon when working with Argante. You can also incorporate the Faery Star as you allow Argante to work through you. You will also learn about the many fragrances, rituals, poems and music that can help you with your connections to the Faery Queen Argante.

The Faery Queen Caelia Empowerment

The Faery Queen Caelia Empowerment was channelled by Raine & Philip as a system of energy healing that introduces you to the etheric qualities of this Faery Queen who has stepped forth to help you to recapture the divine inner spark that you carry within your heart. Caelia will not grant you power but she will encourage you to find your own inner power. After working with Queen Caelia for quite some time now I can say that if you ask with a sincere heart and follow the given guidance and rituals within the manual then you will be given the assistance that is needed to help you connect with the Faery Queen Caelia.

Faery Queen Maeve Empowerment

The Faery Queen Maeve Empowerment has been channelled to give you the energetic connection with the beautiful energies of the Faery Queen Maeve. Through your spiritual connection you will learn about the many ritual methods that can help you to connect with Queen Maeve which include music, fragrance oils, colour and poetry. During the many months of working with Maeve I have found that she brings an energy of respect and honour for our elders both in human and spiritual form. Working with the Faery Queen Maeve will also bring a new respect and energetic connection with nature and the elements.

Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey Empowerment

Connecting with the energies of the Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey will open up a whole new world for you. She is a queen of doorways and if allowed will help you to experience a whole new view of her energies. Morgan Le Fey has for many years been portrayed as something she is not but through the channelling work of Raine and Philip, she will give you a new perspective on how she will help you to not only connect with the energies of Avalon but also with the vibrational frequencies of water and the oceans.

Faery Queen Oonagh Empowerment

This beautiful empowerment has been channelled to aid you in your connection and work with the Faery Queen Oonagh. Through your distant empowerment the energies of the Faery Queen Oonagh will grant you the ability to allow a much brighter light to shine forth from you. Through this light, the veil that separates the realms of the Faery Queen and Humankind will become thinner which in turn enables you to glimpse this race of beings.

Faery Queen Holda Empowerment

Taking the step forward by receiving your distant attunement to the Faery Queen Holda Empowerment you will begin bridging the gap between the realm of the Fae and those of humankind. Queen Holda is also quite often known as the Snow Fairy and while this is true she is not about coldness and woe. She actually celebrates the cheerfulness and beauty of the first snow fall by bringing to us the warmth of inner cheer and beauty. You will also learn about the many different fragrances, colours, poems and rituals that you can use to help with your connection to this beautiful Faery energy.

Über Energiesysteme:

Energiesysteme sind WUNDER-volle Möglichkeiten, um sich mit dem eigenen inneren Schatz und dem eigenen Potential zu verbinden. Sie bringen neue Energien, Wachstum und Magie ins Leben.

Durch die Einweihungen werden "Lichtinformationen" auf unser Energiefeld übertragen und das Energiefeld des Empfängers energetisch erweitert und man erhält Zugriff auf die entsprechenden intuitiven, energetischen Informationen.

Während der Energieübertragung kann man die Energie als Wärme, Kälte und Kribbeln wahrnehmen oder als einen allgemeinen Energiefluss. Es können auch Bilder und Emotionen ins Bewusstsein kommen oder ein Zustand der Entspannung gefühlt werden. Möglicherweise schläft man auch dabei ein. Es ist jedoch auch möglich, daß man nicht viel oder scheinbar gar nichts spürt, das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass die Einweihung nicht "funktioniert" hat. Man kann die Wirkung auch noch in den folgenden Tagen spüren. Die jeweils empfohlene "Arbeit mit den Energien" stärkt die Verbindung.


Die Energien die ich hier anbiete, werden außerhalb der Heilkunde angeboten! Ich gebe für die Wirksamkeit und Qualität der einzelnen Energiesysteme keine Garantie!! Die Energien dienen alle lediglich der Unterstützung und Stärkung der Selbstheilungskräfte. Die Arbeit mit den Energiesystemen ersetzt keine Behandlung bei einem Arzt oder Heilpraktiker! Bitte handeln Sie immer selbstverantwortlich.

Foto Diana Dörr ©

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